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HomeCanadaThe Most Iconic Historical Moments To Define Canada Today

The Most Iconic Historical Moments To Define Canada Today

What contributes to the greatness of Canada today? If you’re curious, you should check our list of the most iconic historical moments to define Canada today.

The Fight of Vimy Ridge, 1917


The fact that, since Canada was clinging to the coattails of the British kingdom, they had to join the First World War regardless they like it or not. 

However, at Vimy Ridge, Canadians had an opportunity to depict their spirit. 

Like a severe snowstorm steaming aloft, 100,000 Canadian armies bustled and devastated the German squads. They then captured the cliff and allowed French troops to seize the close town of Aisne underneath the defense. It was a key moment for Canadian patriotism. 

Uncovering Insulin, 1922 – Historical Moments In Canada


In 1920, Dr. Frederick Banting found the therapy for diabetes. It is all about the pancreas of a dog. 

Banning and his helper Charles Best pulled the pancreas from dogs. When they got diabetes, they infiltrated the dog’s own ground-up pancreas to minister the disease.

Their blood sugar declined, and that was when the invention of the treatment. After years of examining, they accomplished a formula. They finally won a Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine.

World War II


As a fellow of the Big Boys’ Club, Canada eventually had to make its decision to take part in World War II. At this time, the war was so intense in Europe and decimated much of the continent.

Canada delivered a message to its allies that they had to be a force to be considered with, earning respect all over the world.

Women’s Voting – Historical Moments In Canada


Gender equivalency wasn’t constantly preeminent in Canada’s originating years. 

Above all, there were battles to fight, and lands to discover. As soon as 1925, women who had their own property could cast polls. But until 1951, any woman had the freedom to vote and join as a referendum nominee. 

This revolutionary event occurred only because women tried their best to fight for their ballot. Just a few years later, women in the USA burned their bras to show their support for women’s rights.

General Health Care


The discussion of serving health care to each Canadian resident was a vibrant one in 1960. 

Saskatchewan Premier Tommy Douglas assumed that every region owed its locals a basic state of care.

However, doctors were angry over the opinion of being under administration control. They decided to go on strike for about 23 days. The province was in a chaotic state at that time. 

But eventually, the protest yielded, and Douglas then led the recently started NDP. In just about 10 years, other provinces embraced the same measure.

Summit Series of Paul Henderson, 1972 – Historical Moments In Canada


The Summit Series in 1972 was beyond a battle between the globe’s two most outstanding hockey countries. It was a fight of willpower, a competition for superiority, erecting Western worth against that of Communist Russia. 

Canadian capitals basically close down to watch the games. Paul Henderson turn into a nationwide hero when he got the winning termini in the sixth and seventh games.

Terry Fox, 1980


If Canada has a shining hero, it has to be Terry Fox. No resident in Canada, either man or woman, so delighted a country. According to Opp, Terry Fox sparked a vision of what is achievable. 

He joined the Marathon of Hope and ran 5,733 km in just 143 days on one leg. It’s his extraordinary and remarkable milestone before cancer eventually got him. 

His inheritance has gained more than $500 million for cancer study, and he resumes to be a glimmer of hope for Canadians in general

Charter of Rights and Freedoms, 1982 – Historical Moments In Canada


Regardless of the F-bomb accusation, Pierre Elliot Trudeau truly contributed a great improvement to the residents’ rights in Canada.

He has the credit for writing the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. As a result, the charter gave significant civil and political rights to all Canadians. It also open the way for the legitimization of same-sex marriage in 2005.

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Maris Lopez
Maris Lopezhttp:////
Hey there! I'm Maris, an American girl who is passionate about adventure, the outdoors and all things travel!


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