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HomeCultureYou’ll never really be Dutch until you try These Weird Foods

You’ll never really be Dutch until you try These Weird Foods

Do you think you have understood all about Dutch culture and people? You’re not a real Dutch if you haven’t tried these weird foods yet!

Raw herring – Weird Dutch food

Raw herring in the Netherlands
Raw herring in the Netherlands

This deserves first place on this list. My all-time favorite: raw herring.

Raw herring is an acquired taste and this slimy, silvery snack is definitely not for everyone. However, it still holds a special place in the hearts of many Dutch people and has been a staple Dutch dish since the Middle Ages. This infamous fish can be purchased all over the country and in the summer, herring season kicks in, with countless lowlanders gobbling up this particular Dutch delicacy.

The Dutch often combine herring with diced onions and gherkins to enhance its flavor, sprinkling these accompaniments on fish scales. Although herring can be eaten inside a bread roll, this method will get mixed reviews from locals. Indeed, the only correct Dutch way to eat herring is vertical; certified Dutchmen dangle the fish from their mouths as they eat delicious morsels from this pickle.

So next time you’re in the Netherlands, keep an eye out for eateries or fishmongers that advertise ‘Haring’ and get ready for a culinary adventure.

Stamppot (mashed potatoes with winter veggies)


This is a typical dish for the cold outdoor winter weather. It’s comfort food. A dish with a base of mashed potatoes and a winter vegetable to choose from. This could be kale, cabbage, or carrots. Anything works. Then add meat, like sausage, bacon or meatballs, and gravy! Like I said, comfort food.

Dutch food is simple, hearty and rustic, describing some of my favorite dishes. Dutch Stamppot is a comforting and enjoyable treat on a cold, gray winter day!

Hagelslag (chocolate sprinkles to put on bread)


In the Netherlands, hagelslag refers to small pieces of confectionery, similar to sprinkles, that are used as a topping on buttered bread. This iconic Dutch dish is served with main meals or snacks and is loved by both children and adults. Hagelslag is offered in various flavors and colors, the most popular of which is chocolate. It is popular in the Netherlands, Belgium, and former Dutch colonies such as Suriname, Antilles, and Indonesia. The chocolate variety is also known as chocoladehagelslag (chocolate hagelslag), and in Belgium as muisjes (rats) or muizenstrontjes (rat droppings).

Each flavor of hagelslag has its distinctive flavor. Since chocolate has a large percentage of cocoa, they taste like chocolate. The berries are light, sweet and fruity, while the anise has a hint of licorice. Hagelslag has less artificial flavors and is much more palatable than chocolate and pigments.

Beschuit met muisjes (round crisp cracker with Anish sprinkles in pink or blue)

Beschuit met muisjes
Beschuit met muisjes

Beschuit is a round, hard and dry biscuit or husk (also known as Dutch cracker) about one centimeter thick and made from bread toasted twice.

The top of the cookies is covered with butter, which also works to keep the Muisjes from falling apart. Muisjes, which means mouse, are seeds from anise (anise) tree coated with sugar.

Usually, pink and white Muisjes are served for girls and blue and white for boys.

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Maris Lopez
Maris Lopezhttp:////
Hey there! I'm Maris, an American girl who is passionate about adventure, the outdoors and all things travel!



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