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Why Does Australia Get Droughts?

Why does Australia get droughts? The continent is surrounded by sea so why does it still have droughts? 

How Many Types Of Droughts Are There?


There are four primary types of droughts, and not all of them cause the same sequences.

The first one is Meteorological. It happens when there is less rainfall than normal. Or speaking of science, it’s the remarkable negative deviation from mean rainfall that causes this kind of drought.

The second kind of drought is Agricultural. The evapotranspiration happens faster than it’s refilled by rainfall making the ground moisture decline. As a result, there will be not enough water in the soil for vegetables to develop. 

This is a common phenomenon during summertime in the South of Australia.

The Hydrological drought appears because of the decrease in stream flow. It can drop to the point that it threatens the water supply. 

In an Australian background, we’re often mentioning dams becoming low or getting dry.

The Socio-economic drought comes off when the amount of water cannot satisfy the demand. However, the enhancement has lessened the possibilities of this drought by improving water storage capability.

Droughts Around The Globe – Droughts In Australia


Australia is dry, but it’s not the sole location to get droughts.

The majority of the world does not have to face socio-economic droughts, but many others do not.

The International Disaster Database calculates that from 1900 to 2013, about 12 million of the world population died as a consequence of drought. Asia makes up about 10 million on its own.

Why Does Australia Get Droughts?


As we all know, Australia is the second-driest mainland on the globe. The better parts of Australia have less than 600mm of rainfall yearly. 

The continent is so dehydrated because it sits under horse latitude. Its location lets the air push down, stopping the lift needed for rain.

Horse latitude (also known as the high-pressure belt) is sufficient to cause it to arid. However, other systems – climate drivers are the factor that makes things even worse as years go by.

El Nino is the phenomenon that causes the principal flows of air across the Pacific Ocean. It’s a typical cause of drought in Eastern Australia since it makes more air being hold down, which prevents rain again.

The Indian Ocean Dipole is the other main factor linked with drought in Australia. Just like the El Nino in the Pacific Ocean, this dipole is the cause behind the air’s movement over the Indian Ocean. 

Awareness Of Australian Droughts – Droughts In Australia


Australia now has to adapt to growths in the commonness or intensity of drought, heat possibilities, and fire weather.

Normally, spring and winter rainfall tends to decline across the South of Australia, causing long-term droughts.

The Consequences


With regard to drought, it is seldom the physical catastrophe alone that costs people lives.

For instance, the African drought within one year, from 1991to 1992 had a higher economic influence than directly caused people’s death.

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Maris Lopez
Maris Lopezhttp:////
Hey there! I'm Maris, an American girl who is passionate about adventure, the outdoors and all things travel!


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