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HomeDestinationsWhat To Expect In The Amsterdam Red Light District?

What To Expect In The Amsterdam Red Light District?

This district in the Netherlands has gained a world-renowned reputation. This district always draws many tourists’ attention to pay a visit. Today, let’s figure out what to expect in the Amsterdam Red Light District.

Dense Crowds Of Visitors


The Red Light District is close right to the central train terminal of Amsterdam. It means that this can be the very first place you visit when coming to this city.

There are many kinds of visitors here. You can see men celebrating their bachelor weekend or a bunch of young ladies embarrassing a bride. College students also come here to grab a coffee from cafes nearby.

From April to August is the highest tourist season in this district. So, if you are into dense and cheerful crowds, you probably know the ideal time to visit this site.

Women Offering, Men Buying – Amsterdam Red Light District


The name of this district comes from its windows bordered by rose-colored lights. These glowing windows indicate that prostitution is allowed in the Netherlands. Female se.x workers will stand in small anterooms with ground-to-ceiling windows to present their services. 

A greater shock aspect arrives from observing clients deal with female workers. You can watch it as much as you like, but you are restricted to take the women’s photos. Some specific places even ask visitors to hand over their cameras or phones before using their services.

Se.x Stores And Performances


Besides s.ex services, the Red Light District also offers se.x stores and shows. They have stores that sell accessories, sex toys, adult videos, etc. Another fascinating thing is that they provide live se.x performances in their theaters. If you want to try a more thrilling experience, you may not wish to let this chance slide by.

Astonishing Architecture And Precious Museum – Amsterdam Red Light District


Since this site is the original settlement of the whole city from the 13th century, it’s home to some oldest and most stunning buildings. For example, the oldest church in Amsterdam, Oude Kerk, is located in the central of the district.

Alongside the Oudezijds Achterburgwal and Oudezijds Voorburgwal canals are houses that date back to the 1500s. 

This district has one of the most precious museums that resides modestly amongst the secular vices of the area. It is a Catholic church named “Our Lord in the Attic”.

Delicious Locations For Eating Out


All the citizens are aware that this district has much more than just its red lights. 

The area has a string of delicious dining selections that are local favorites. For example, the famous De Bakkerswinkel artisanal bakery, Hofje van Wijs tea house, etc. You can even have a taste of authentic Chinese foods since it has a small Chinatown here.

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Maris Lopez
Maris Lopezhttp:////
Hey there! I'm Maris, an American girl who is passionate about adventure, the outdoors and all things travel!



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