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Small But Mighty! Little Dog Saves His Owner From An Angry Charging Moose

A fearless dachshund jumped to defend her owner at this precise moment as a sizable moose charged at them. The enormous animal charged at Tyler Henderson and his dog Reecey outside their Fairbanks, Alaska home, but they managed to flee safely. The moose charged at Mr. Henderson, who was unaware of the danger as he went outside to check his mail box, as seen on a home security camera. Reecey, on the other hand, immediately sprung into action after spotting the moose, which had been lazing on a bank of snow across the street.

The size difference was so great that she couldn’t reach and flew right through the creature’s legs as she charged to meet the enormous creature and jumped up to try to bite it. While Reecey was being summoned, Mr. Henderson sprinted off to safety. The moose slowly made its way down the road as the two hastily fled inside.

On February 24, Mr. Henderson uploaded the video to Facebook and thanked his dog, calling him “Reecey my weiner dog.” The best watchdog ever!

Even though she ran directly into the path of the enormous creature, he claimed that “she wasn’t even touched.” A moose was staring me down from across the street when I went to check the mail, he continued. My dog Reecey began to bark as it started to charge me, warning me that we were in danger. We both ran inside after she lunged at the moose and turned around.


Similar praise was shown for her on social media, with users dubbing her “small but mighty.”

That little dog saved your bacon, Shawn Murphy said. Such a tiny wolf.

“Lol, Tyler, Reecey was going for the throat,” said Autumn Musgove. Please send a picture of her prize!

‘Yikes!’ Jeff Cooper continued. A moose’s intentions are obvious. Look at the posture, hackles, and ears. What a courageous little dog!


Moose are enormous creatures that can grow to a height of seven feet at the shoulder and weigh up to 1,300 pounds at their largest. Even though they prefer the countryside, they occasionally come into contact with people. They can protect themselves from grizzly bears and wolf packs in the wild.

Wildlife officials in Fairbanks issued a warning to residents in January to be cautious of moose after unusually aggressive moose were brought on by the weather.

According to Tony Hollis, a wildlife biologist for the Department of Fish and Game, animals would be more likely to come into contact with people if there was a lot of snowfall.


The moose don’t want to be out in the snow because of the deep snow, he claimed. Wherever it is simpler for them to move about, they want to be outside on the sidewalks, hard packed trails, or groomed trails. They become combative if they must travel through the deep snow in order to simply stay on the hard surface.

People are advised not to approach moose if they see one because doing so could spook it; instead, they should wait inside until it leaves the area.

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Maris Lopez
Maris Lopezhttp:////
Hey there! I'm Maris, an American girl who is passionate about adventure, the outdoors and all things travel!


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