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How to say Hello and Goodbye in Maori

Do you know how to say Hello and Goodbye in Maori? Despite the fact that English is the most widely used language in Aotearoa New Zealand, it is not an official language. It is a de facto language. So it means that it is spoken by the vast majority of New Zealanders.

Let’s start with pronunciation

Did you know exactly the way how to pronounce the word “Te Reo Māori”? It has five vowel sounds that are pronounced differently than in English:

  • a (‘a’ like in ‘car’)
  • e (‘e’ like in ‘egg’)
  • i (‘i’ like the ‘ee’ in ‘tee’)
  • o (‘o’ like in ‘four’)
  • u (‘u’ like an ‘o’ in ‘to’)
Te Reo pronounce

Vowels can be either long or short. A long vowel is denoted by a macron above it (or, in some cases, by writing it twice). Such as whānau or whaanau.

The “wh” sound is pronounced similarly to the English “f” by many Maori. That’s amazing, right?

The ng sound in Te Reo corresponds to the ‘ng’ sound in English words such as ‘sing.’ Mori words, on the other hand, can begin with that sound.

OK, that’s quite enough to learn how to pronounce in Te Reo basically. It’s time to move to the important part today!

Hi, Bye, Thanks in Te Reo

How to say Hello and Goodbye in Maori


  • Kia ora — A kind greeting to a person — like “Hello!”. It can also be used to convey thankfulness, offer affection, express gratitude, or connect with someone else. It literally means to wish someone else the essence of life. “Kia ora e hoa” is another way to say hello (greeting a friend).
  • Tēnā koe — A formal greeting to one – “Have a nice day!”.
  • Kia ora koutou — A friendly greeting to three or more individuals — hello. Alternatively, you may say “Kia ora koutou e te whānau” (say hello to a familiar group of people).
  • Tēnā koutou — Good day. A formal greeting to three or more persons.
  • Mōrena — Hello and good morning
  • Ata mārie — Good afternoon
  • Kia pai tō rā — Have a wonderful day
  • Pō mārie — Hello and good evening
  • Nau mai, haere mai – Welcome

Goodbye in Mauri

  • Mā te wā – See you later.
  • Ka kite (anō) – See you (again).
  • Haere rā – Goodbye (uttered by the one who is staying to someone who is going).
  • E noho rā – Goodbye (uttered by the one who is going to someone who is staying).
  • Ngā mihi – Regards/thank you (often used at the end of emails/letters).
  • Ngā mihi maioha – Regards/thank you with gratitude.
  • Aroha nui – With heartfelt gratitude Much affection.
  • Noho ora mai – Best wishes.
Hello and Goodbye in Maori

Other Te Reo Maori Words You Might Come Across

  • Āe – Yes.
  • Kāo – No.
  • Aroha mai – Sorry.
  • Kia kaha – Be strong, keep going.
  • Karakia – A prayer or blessing.
  • Waiata – Song.
  • Waka – A traditional canoe.
  • Hikoi – Walk, journey.
  • Moe – Sleep.
  • Kōrero – Talk.
  • Ako – Learn.
  • Titiro – Look.
  • Whakarongo – Listen.
  • Kanikani – Dance.
  • Pakipaki – Clap.
  • Aotearoa – The Māori name for New Zealand. Loosely translates to ‘land of the long white cloud’.
  • Whenua – Land. “Hence Tāngata whenua” means “people of the land”.
  • Moana – A large body of water, like a sea, ocean or large lake. If you are a fan of Disney, you will know the film. He aha taku kii engari “kei te pai koe”? – What can I say except “you’re welcome”?
  • Kai moana – Seafood
  • Kai – Food

Comment below if you want to learn more about the language, not only Hello and Goodbye in Maori

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Maris Lopez
Maris Lopezhttp:////
Hey there! I'm Maris, an American girl who is passionate about adventure, the outdoors and all things travel!


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