Many people have quite distinct perceptions of Canada. In contrast to the warm friendliness of the natives, who don’t scrimp on courtesy, there are hockey rinks all around the country, Tim Hortons rather than Starbucks, maple syrup with every meal, reindeer, and geese. There is also very, very cold weather. The second-largest country in the globe, however, offers an exceptionally wide variety of landscapes and experiences due to its size.
We assembled a collection of pictures that could only have been taken by genuine Canadians because we don’t want you to have a negative view of this country.
“How to tell you’re in Canada”
“We’re living 3 seasons at once right now.”
“How to spot the Canadians on campus”
“Took a tour around Toronto last summer. The views were incredible!”
“How very Canadian…”
“’There used to be berries here…’ — last night in Whistler”
“Can’t believe it’s gonna snow tomorrow.”
“Good morning, Vancouver!”
“A fox in the Lanark Highlands”
“Manitoulin Island is beautiful!”
They seem to have posed for the photo.
They have very colorful license plates, and there’s even one in the shape of a polar bear.
“West coast sunsets”
“I waited ages for my college diploma to get delivered and I get this. I love Canada Post!”
“A hockey game in Sunfish Cut, Toronto Islands”
“In Canada, we don’t rely on roosters.”
“Maple leaves in Tobermory, Canada”
“When a Tim Hortons takes over a KFC location, and they naturally convert and use the bucket!”
“Oh, Canada…”
8 amazing things that make Canada a unique country
Kiss me! Adorable photos of polar bear cubs cuddling up to their adoring mother