Wednesday, July 24, 2024


What is there to say about Egypt? It is the home of myths and stories, ancient civilizations, and the Giza Pyramids. Egypt is an intriguing country to visit, with some of the world’s most fascinating historical sites. Egypt is so much more than simply the pyramids, as you’ll see as we go through these fascinating facts about Egypt!

Egypt is a fascinating destination since it is one of the world’s oldest civilizations. If you’re considering a trip to the Middle East, these Egypt facts can help you grasp the ancient Egyptians’ history as well as the history of some of the country’s most prominent landmarks.

Egypt is home to the world’s only remaining ancient wonder.


Egypt has the only surviving monument of the world’s seven ancient marvels. Only Egypt’s Great Pyramid of Giza has withstood the test of time. The Pyramids of Giza are located in Cairo’s capital city and are as awe-inspiring as they have always been. The Great Pyramid of Khufu is the largest of the pyramids and was built in the fourth century to accommodate Pharaoh Khufu. It is today known as the Cheops Pyramid.

When visiting Cairo, you must not miss seeing the pyramids, which can be seen from all throughout the city. The Khufu Pyramid is huge, towering 146.7 meters (481 feet) tall. More information: The New, Natural, and Ancient Seven Wonders of the World

Slaves did not build the Pyramids.

pyramids in egypt
pyramids in egypt

When it comes to the pyramids, I’ve always assumed that they were built by slaves. I didn’t realize the pyramids were built by proper laborers until I visited Cairo. Archaeological finds revealed that the labourers were housed in purpose-built villages and were well fed and cared for. What you learn while you travel fills our young heads with plenty of interesting stuff!

The Afterlife And The Ancient Egyptians

The Pyramids were erected to house ancient Egypt’s rulers and convey them and their families into the afterlife, among other things. The pyramids were built to house the Pharaohs and their families.

The ancient Egyptians thought that in order to enjoy a decent afterlife, they had to observe stringent laws. They also believed that it was the responsibility of the living to assist them on their journey to the afterlife. The ancient Egyptians thought that the body needed to be maintained in order to be reborn and transported to the afterlife, thus great care was given in the mummification process. Animals were even mummified.

Ancient Egypt’s Many Gods

Gods egypt
Gods egypt

It was difficult to navigate life as an ancient Egyptian since they had many Gods to satisfy. They worshiped hundreds of Gods and Goddesses and had to strive ceaselessly to maintain their lives in balance and assure their place in the afterlife. Gods, like our celebrities today, have come and gone over the years. Isis, Osiris, and Ra – The Sun God – were among the most enduring Gods.

Egypt has seven UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

Did you know that Egypt also has seven UNESCO World Heritage sites? Egypt, indeed, has a lot to offer! Abu Mena, Historic Cairo, Abu Simbel, Saint Catherine, Wadi Al-Hitan (called Whale Valley in Egypt’s western desert), Memphis and its Necropolis, and Ancient Thebes are among the seven locations. Have you visited any of them?

We’ve visited all except two. We haven’t been to Abu Mena or Whale Valley yet.

Valley  egypt
Valley egypt

Memphis and its Necropolis are actually the Pyramid Fields from Giza to Dahshur, so chances are you’ve seen this UNESCO Site if you’ve gone to Egypt. Luxor and the Valley of the Kings are in Ancient Thebes, Abu Simbel is on Lake Nasser, Historic Cairo is a must-see, and Saint Catherine lies at the foot of the mountains where Moses received the Ten Commandments.

The Ten Commandments And Mount Sinai

Mount Sinai is the mountain Moses climbed in order to receive the ten commandments. This peak in the Sinai Peninsula is important to both Christians and Muslims. It is a significant pilgrimage site that stands 2,285 meters (7,497 ft) tall. The UNESCO World Heritage Site Saint Catherine Monastery, which we discussed earlier, is located here. More: Amazing Historical Sites We’ve Seen Around the World

Board games were popular among the ancient Egyptians.

We actually have many similarities with the ancient Egyptians, and one of the more interesting facts about the ancient Egyptians is that they, too, enjoyed board games. Board games were not just popular among the elite; they were also popular among the common people.

Senet and Mehen were the most popular board games. Senet was a stick-throwing game that was so popular that even Pharaohs were buried with it to keep them occupied in the afterlife. These board games have been around for over 5000 years. Which board game is your favorite?

Cleopatra was not from Egypt.

Cleopatra egypt
Cleopatra egypt

Another fascinating truth about Egypt is that Cleopatra, one of the most famous Egyptian figures, was actually Greek, not Egyptian. She was born in Alexandria but had no Egyptian ancestors; instead, she was a descendant of the Ptolemaic Dynasty, a line of Greek Macedonians. From 323 to 30 BC, the Ptolemaic Dynasty controlled Egypt. Cleopatra is Greek for “Famous in Her Father” or “Her Father’s Fame.”

The Nile River is home to 95% of Egyptians.

Did you know that Egypt is home to the world’s longest river? The Nile River runs across Egypt, and it is home to around 95 percent of Egypt’s people. This information about Egypt isn’t surprising given that the desert covers a large portion of the country. The Nile River divides Egypt’s desert, which covers 90% of the country.

Egypt was separated into two halves by the ancient Egyptians: the desert and the Nile Valley. Contrary to popular belief, Upper Egypt is in the south while Lower Egypt is in the north. This is due to the fact that the Nile flows north towards the Mediterranean Sea.

Egypt’s Deserts

Egypt has three deserts: the Western Desert (also known as the Libyan Desert), the Eastern Desert (also known as the Arabian Desert), and the Great Sand Sea, which is part of the Sahara Desert.

Egypt’s deserts have their unique ecosystems, which include various Oasis, mountains, sand dunes, and oil reservoirs. The White Desert in central Egypt was our favorite desert in Egypt. Here’s everything you need to know about the White Desert.

The Curse of the Mummy and King Tut

King Tut is perhaps the most well-known of the ancient Egyptians, but little was known about the boy king who died at the age of 19 until British archaeologist Howard Carter discovered his tomb in 1922. King Tut’s Tomb is the smallest of the Valley of the Kings tombs, but it was brimming with treasure.

It was thought that the Hieroglyphs on the wall of King Tut’s tomb were cursed with death. I’m glad I didn’t know about this curse before visiting King Tut’s tomb; else, I might not have gone in. Read more: Egypt’s Most Amazing Tourist Attractions

The city of Alexandria was named after Alexander the Great.

Alexandria egypt
Alexandria egypt

Not unexpectedly, Alexandria was called after Egypt’s conqueror in 331 BC. The Lighthouse of Alexandria, one of the world’s ancient wonders, was present. More information about the world’s wonders can be found at: The New, Natural, and Ancient Seven Wonders of the World

Egypt shares two seas.

Egypt is strategically placed between the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea. The Suez Canal connects the two seas, making it possible for ships to cruise between Asia and Europe. For millennia, Egypt has been a strategic site.

Egypt is home to one of the world’s largest dams.

One of the world’s largest dams is located in Egypt. The Aswan High Dam is the world’s largest embankment dam, spanning the Nile between Egypt and Sudan and forming Lake Nassar. Lake Nassar is one of the largest reservoirs in the world.

While this appears to be a tremendous accomplishment, we witnessed the devastation wrought by this dam while cycling from Egypt to Sudan. Sudan was once lush and green along the Nile, and tourists from the United Kingdom would holiday in Wadi Halfa in Sudan. Because to the damming of Lake Nassar, it is now a dried-up disaster.

Cats are revered.

Cats  egypt
Cats egypt

Cats were revered as sacred animals in ancient Egypt. And, based on our visits to Egypt, they are still cared after and revered. Our Cairo guesthouse had a lot of kitties on its rooftop terrace that we enjoyed cuddling with. Cats were supposed to bring good fortune and were so revered that when one died, the pharaohs had it mummified. I can relate as a cat lover.

Egypt Created the Twelve-Month Calendar

You probably aren’t aware, but the calendar we use today was invented by the ancient Egyptians. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, Egypt developed the first calendar known to humans. In actuality, it is the Egyptian calendar year 6264.

The ancient Egyptians, like us, employed a 12-month calendar. However, because each month was always 30 days long, their years were only 360 days long, leading the years to be out of rhythm with the seasons. To make up for missed time, they conducted a 5-day festival each year at the end of the year.

Ancient Egyptians And Makeup

Because the Ancient Egyptians believed that foundation had medicinal properties that protected them from the sun, both men and women wore makeup. The black eye makeup we’ve come to recognize from ancient Egyptian paintings was composed of red, and they also wore green make-up made of copper.

Egypt Facts in a Hurry

Cairo, Egypt’s capital and largest metropolis, is the country’s largest city. Cairo is also the largest city in the Arab World and the Middle East.

The official language of Egypt is Arabic, but don’t fear, many people also speak English, and knowing French would help you a lot in Egypt.

Egypt’s official name is The Arab Republic of Egypt.

Egypt has a population of 102.3 million people as of 2020.

The first humans in Egypt date back 8000 years, but the ancient civilization we know today began around 3000 BC.

Egypt has been ruled by the Roman Empire, the Greek Ptolemaic Kingdom, Muslim forces, and even the English over the years.

Did you know that the hieroglyphs, an ancient Egyptian language, comprises around 700 symbols? Can you picture yourself learning this language? Why not give it a shot next time you’re out? Perhaps you’ll be able to decipher some old symbols on tombs.

And here are some interesting facts about Egypt. Did we leave anything out? Have you been to Egypt? If so, where is your favorite area to visit?

Maris Lopez
Maris Lopezhttp:////
Hey there! I'm Maris, an American girl who is passionate about adventure, the outdoors and all things travel!


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