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HomeThe Netherlands11 Dutch Phrases That Translate To English Very Funny

11 Dutch Phrases That Translate To English Very Funny

The use of Dutch proverbs dates back a very long time. In the Netherlands, it is a component of schooling, and as you get older, you hear and use the sayings more frequently. Dutch Phrases are incredibly humorous, but because they make even less sense in English, they become even funnier when translated. Enjoy our list of the funniest Dutch proverbs in translation.

Dutch Phrases: Step out of bed with the wrong leg – ‘’Met het verkeerde been uit bed stappen’’

This expression is arguably the most common, and it is so unpleasant. When you’re gloomy, you don’t want someone to say this to you since it can make your day a little bit worse. The expression is used when someone is having a poor day and is acting a little bit moody.

Pale fart – ‘’Bleekscheet’’

This one is actually kind of offensive, but when it is translated, it just sounds incredibly humorous. This is an odd moniker for someone who is incredibly pale, and it’s typically not used in a flattering manner.


Afterwards it is easier to look a cow in the ass – ‘’Achteraf kijk je een koe in zijn kont’’

When you translate the statement and are unsure of its meaning, this is another one that seems strange.

What it really means is that talking thereafter is simple.

Glue someone behind the wallpaper – ‘’Iemand achter het behang plakken’’

You can just state that you want to glue someone behind the wallpaper when they are very bothersome and you don’t want to deal with them right away (not directly to the face obviously haha).

Dutch Phrases: I didn’t eat any cheese of that – ‘’Er geen kaas van hebben gegeten’’

Since the Dutch are known for their love of cheese, it seemed only natural to include a cheese-related statement. This is what we do when someone asks us to do something and we don’t know how to do it or don’t have any experience with it.


To fall with your nose in the butter- “Met je neus in de boter vallen’’

You say you fell with your nose in the butter when someone is extremely fortunate in a certain circumstance. How likely is it that you will fall on butter given that it is soft and will shield your nose from injury?

Dutch Phrases: To fall with the door in the house – ‘’Met de deur in huis vallen’’

One of the most well-known proverbs in the Netherlands is this one. The most common way that Dutch people are described is as being very direct and speaking what they feel without any filter. Given that it denotes a direct approach, this expression is ideal for the Dutch.

Now comes the monkey out of the sleeve – ‘’De aap komt uit de mouw’’

The phrase “the monkey is out of the sleeve” is used when everything suddenly becomes evident or when you realize how someone truly is (often not in a nice way).

It sits like a mustache – ‘’Het zit wel snor’’

Although the expression “it sits like a mustache” may sound silly or lighthearted, it is actually incredibly sweet. It implies that things will turn up OK. It’s great. It gives one comfort.


A whistle of a cent – ‘’Fluitje van een cent’’

This literally makes no sense, and it is a strange word in Dutch, yet it is extremely clear what it means. It denotes how simple something is. What were your thoughts on the assignment I provided you? It was a penny that whistled!

Dutch Phrases: Like an angel peeing on you tongue – ‘’Het is alsof er een engel op je tong piest’’

We leave things strong for the final one. Is it possible to picture an angel peeing on your tongue? No, so we can’t, but the strange thing is that it truly means that something tastes fantastic, perfect, and so good.

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Maris Lopez
Maris Lopezhttp:////my-lifestyle.co
Hey there! I'm Maris, an American girl who is passionate about adventure, the outdoors and all things travel!


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