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HomeDestinationsWhy should you visit the Netherlands in the fall?

Why should you visit the Netherlands in the fall?

The Netherlands never has a dull moment, and even when the weather is colder and wetter, there are always plenty of fantastic reasons to visit the country. In truth, there are innumerable wonderful activities available in the Netherlands in the fall, particularly for the ten reasons listed below.

Everything in fall looks fantastic in the Netherlands


The fall season is ideal for the Netherlands, and certain sections of the nation are even more beautiful from September to December. For example, Amsterdam’s famed canal belt is framed by dozens of leaf-bearing trees that turn magnificent autumnal colors at the start of the season.

It’s especially beautiful near the sea

Even though the craggy Dutch coastline is always stunning, visiting these areas during the autumn season is especially gratifying. During the autumn season, places like the island of Texel off the coast of North Holland become insanely attractive, while other coastal regions, such as Scheveningen, experience smashing waves, powerful sea winds, and other severe yet compelling weather patterns.

The national parks are spectacular in fall in the Netherlands


For obvious reasons, forests and other forested regions are among the best places in the Netherlands to experience autumn. There are other remarkable fall getaways around the country, notably de Hoge Veluwe in Gelderland and Zuid-Kennemerland National Park, which is approximately thirty kilometers due west of Amsterdam.

And places like Vondelpark look awesome too

Much like other green places in the Netherlands, urban parks such as Amsterdam’s Vondelpark, Rotterdam’s Museumpark, and The Hague’s Scheveningse Bosje are incredibly lovely in the fall.

There are numerous film festivals in the Netherlands in autumn

Several film festivals, like the International Documentary Filmfestival Amsterdam and the Netherlands Film Festival in Utrecht, take place throughout the country during the year’s colder months, and the Dutch cultural calendar keeps rolling during the colder months of the year.

As well as indoor music events


Many of the most prominent and popular music festivals take place in the Netherlands throughout the fall, including Le Guess Who? in Utrecht, which focuses on alternative, experimental, and avant-garde genres, and ADE in Amsterdam, one of the world’s largest EDM events.

Halloween is usually a lot of fun in fall in the Netherlands

Even though Halloween is not a traditional Dutch holiday, it has taken hold in larger cities around the country, and it is customary for pubs, clubs, and cinemas to stage special, spooky events around October 31.

There are open-air ice rinks all throughout the place.

By mid-November, dozens of outdoor ice rinks have sprouted up across the Netherlands. These outdoor facilities include a particularly well-known rink that runs alongside Amsterdam’s Rijksmuseum.

Every now and then, the temperature drops low enough in the Netherlands for canals and other bodies of water to completely freeze over. Because ice skating is a national sport in the Netherlands, people frequently leap onto frozen streams and use them as makeshift ice rinks.

Autumn is ideal for Dutch cuisine.


The cold, wet weather in the Netherlands necessitates hearty, traditional dishes like delectable stammpot, which consists of enormous quantities of mashed potatoes topped with various sorts of meat, or warming soups like erwtensoep.

Festive Dutch cakes and pastries are delicious

Dutch stores sell a large range of holiday-themed chocolates, cakes, and pastries from September to early January. These delectable sweets include speculaas, which are crispy spiced biscuits, and oliebollen, which are greasy, sugar-coated doughnuts offered from seasonal food trucks.

How Did The Dutch Beat The Ocean?

Maris Lopez
Maris Lopezhttp:////
Hey there! I'm Maris, an American girl who is passionate about adventure, the outdoors and all things travel!


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