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Why Does Canada Have So Many Immigrants?

One of the most sought-after places for immigrants is now Canada. Immigrants came to Canada in 2021 has increased due to some of important reasons.

With over 0.7 percent of the population immigrating each year, Canada has one of the highest immigration rates among the OECD countries. There are around 250,000 new immigrants annually, not counting the 100,000 students and the 200,000 temporary foreign employees. Additionally, since 2008, the employment rate for immigrants to Canada has been rising.

How Many Immigrants Came To Canada In 2021?

Despite the pandemic, approximately 405,000 immigrants moved to Canada permanently in 2021, setting a record. Canada has announced an updated target of more than 432,000 immigrants for 2022, with even larger numbers in 2023 and 2024. The targets may seem quite precise, but they are all based on the Immigration Levels Plan 2022–2024 of the Canadian government.

Why Did Many People Immigrate To Canada?

The following are the main factors that make Canada an excellent place for immigrants, in addition to the federal and provincial initiatives that are available.

Economy Opportunity


Canada outperforms its peers in terms of the global economy. With a 1.6 trillion dollar production or $48,100 per person, Canada is the 10th largest economy in the world while having the 38th largest population. In order to secure a top-10 berth, Canada passed Russia in 2015. Despite being well-known for its abundance of natural resources, 78.9% of Canadians work in jobs that are tied to the service sector, which makes up the bulk of the country’s economy. Even though Canada’s manufacturing and oil and petroleum industries have grown slowly but steadily over the past few years, the country’s goods-producing sector has remained relatively small in comparison to the country’s service sector.

Superior Education – Important Reason For Immigrants To Canada


This is an important reason for immigrants as parents to Canada. Canada has been ranked as the best-educated country in the world and spends more per capita on education than any other industrialized country. One of the greatest in the world, the K–12 public education system in Canada is highly acclaimed. Several of the top universities in the world are located in Canada, including the University of Toronto, McMaster University, and the University of British Columbia, which are all ranked among the top 100 universities in the world. 54% of Canadians aged 25 to 64 have a postsecondary degree, and an additional 10.8% have earned a trade certificate or finished an apprenticeship, according to Statistics Canada. Low-income students in certain provinces receive full or partial tuition reimbursement.

Universal Healthcare

In the 1960s, Canada’s national healthcare program was enacted. Each Canadian province and territory has a healthcare policy that guarantees all citizens adequate access to medical care without requiring them to pay out-of-pocket for things like doctor visits or hospital stays. According to the OECD, Canada spent $6,323 per person on healthcare in 2017. Although Canada spends almost half as much per person as the US does, Canada’s healthcare system has been assessed as having much greater quality. Canada has one of the highest life expectancy rates in the world at slightly under 82 years, made possible by trustworthy healthcare systems that are accessible to all citizens of the nation. As a result, Canada has the 18th-highest life expectancy in the world.

Most Inclusive Countries – Top Reason For Immigrants To Canada

In other aspects, Canada is renowned for its inclusivity and variety. The LGBTQ community is well-supported in this nation. Canada became the first country outside of Europe to allow same-sex marriage in 2005, making it the fourth country in the world overall. In a 2017 poll, 74% of respondents said it’s wonderful that same-sex couples can wed in Canada, demonstrating the strong support for same-sex unions among Canadians. The annual Toronto Pride Parade, one of the biggest LGBTQ events in the world, is held in Canada, which also established June Pride Month in 2015. This is a best reason for immigrants in LGBTQ community moving to Canada.


In Canada, women have a powerful voice as well. Following his victory as prime minister in 2015, Justin Trudeau pledged to have a gender-balanced cabinet. Voting, birth control access, and abortion are fundamental rights for women that have been long-established and upheld. Canadian women have a high percentage of workforce engagement, with 82% of women between the ages of 25 and 54 choosing to work outside of the house, even if there is still space for growth in terms of bringing more women into leadership positions.

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Top Safest Nation

Various surveys and indexes consistently place Canada among the top ten safest countries in the world. This is definitely the top reasons for moving to Canada. 2018’s Global Peace Index classified Canada as the sixth-most peaceful country in the world. The index takes into account a number of variables, such as homicide rates, militarism, political stability, relations with neighboring countries, ongoing conflicts, incarceration rates, and the impact of terrorism, among others. Strong gun laws and a generally non-violent approach to international relations are widely recognized characteristics of Canada. The crime rate in Canada is generally low and has drastically decreased since its 1980s peak.

Stable Politics

In general, all of Canada’s political parties have relatively centrist positions on contentious issues like women’s and LGBT rights, environmental concerns, and immigration, which can sometimes be highly divisive in other democratic countries. However, Canadian governments alternate between various liberal and conservative parties depending on the political climate. Additionally, Canadians appreciate and have faith in the political system. Even if scandals may occasionally occur, they are usually pretty minor, and there isn’t much widespread fraud, corruption, or mistrust of the government. Compared to other democratic countries, Canada’s election campaigns are also brief and affordable for taxpayers. Political campaigns hardly ever continue longer than a few months, even at the national level.

Multiculturalism And Immigration Policy – Best Reason For Immigrants To Canada

Under the leadership of Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, Canada formally adopted a policy to support multiculturalism in the 1970s, and ever since, it has played a significant role in defining Canadian identity. Among affluent countries, Canada has one of the highest per-capita immigration rates. Canada will get more than 310,000 immigrants in 2018 alone. Of those immigrants, 57% will be skilled workers when they arrive. The remainder will either join a family that is already in Canada or become refugees. In total, 22.3% of Canadians identify as members of a visible minority, while 21.9% were born outside of Canada.


Canada is also renowned for its “mosaic” approach to diversity, which allows individuals from different cultures to coexist while preserving their respective religious beliefs and cultural traditions. Over 30 ethnic communities in Canada have 100,000 or more residents, and 11 have one million or more. This contrasts with “melting pot” societies, where immigrants are expected to assimilate and fit in with their new society. Urban areas in Canada, including Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver, are especially ethnically diverse and host numerous ethnic neighborhoods. More than half of the population in Toronto, which is frequently referred to as “the most multicultural city in the world,” identifies as a visible minority. This is definitely the best reasons for moving to Canada.

With the above reasons, it is not surprising that the number of immigrants to Canada in 2021 is so high. It is expected that this number will continue to increase in the next few years.

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