A post about Dutch toilets? Are you crazy? What’s wrong with a public bathroom? Bet you’ve thought that since you see the title. But trust us, public toilets in Amsterdam, the Netherlands are something worth understanding before coming here.
1. What is a typical Dutch bathroom like?
It’s like a unique-shaped bowl that’s slightly higher than the water level. So as you know, the Dutch bathroom is the tiniest room on the planet. There is barely enough space to sit down and turn around.
And here are your surroundings:
- No windows or other means of ventilation
- A toilet air freshener to make up for the lack of air
- The omnipresent birthday calendar. Don’t ask, we don’t know why either…
- The shelf for inspection (we will talk about it later)
Perhaps the Dutch think it’s great to have so choices in life, so they apply their belief to… flushing public toilets. There are a total of 4 ways to discharge water, including
- The foot pedal
- A string, rope, or chain
- The push panel on the wall behind the toilet
- The button on the top or side of the toilet
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2. Public Toilets In The Netherlands
Going to the public bathroom in the Netherlands is unlike going anywhere else. The oddest part of the Dutch public toilet system is that you have to pay wherever you go. You’ll find a price tag on a visit to the public bathroom in bars, service stations, department stores, shopping malls, etc.
The Dutch take the concept of spending a penny very seriously, and also have transformed it to a bare minimum of 25 euro cents.
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3. How Much Do Dutch Public Bathrooms Cost?
So, is there a specific cost when entering a Dutch public toilet?
Generally, you’ll have to charge €0.50 to pay for “toiletjuffrouw” before using the installations. But sometimes, the entry fees can be up to €1.
The state of restrooms might make you wonder where all this money is going. Clearly, it’s not going towards stocking toilet paper, soap, or cleanliness. However, according to a Service Management survey, things are getting better. The number of toilets that could be classified as clean increased by 9% between 2006 and 2007.
- Tip for tourists: If you want cleaner potties, head right to the hospital.
4. What Actually “The Shelf For Inspection” For?
To be honest, this could be the most shocking thing for first-time tourists to the Netherlands. Thanks to this Dutch “inspection shelf” design, you can examine your expelled matter (even though you don’t want to) before flushing it down the toilet.
Although this is a truly horrific viewpoint, it’s undeniably a practical one. It’s because examining stool samples can reveal a variety of diseases and health issues.
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5. Phrases Tourists Need to Know When It Comes to Dutch Toilets
Here are some sample sentences to help you find a public toilet while you’re in Amsterdam or the Netherlands.
- Can I go to the toilet? = Mag ik even naar de wc?
- Where is the bathroom? = Waar is de toilet?
- Could I use the toilet? = Zou ik even gebruik van de toilet mogen maken?
Also, there will be Dutch phrases all over the toilet walls, so here are their meanings:
- Heren, wees net en galant. En urineer niet op de rand = Gentlemen, be courteous and gallant. Also, don’t pee on the rim.
- Na het plassen, handen wassen = Wash your hands after peeing.
- Ook al heb je nog zo’n haast. Plas IN de pot en niet ernaast = Even if you’re pressed for time. Pee IN the bowl instead of next to it.
- Bril omhoog, vrouwen zitten ook graag droog = Toilet seats up, women also like to sit dry.
- Gebruik in deze tijden, het wc-papier aan beide zijden = Use both sides of the toilet paper at these times.
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