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HomeAustraliaTop 10 Facts About Australia That No One Tells You

Top 10 Facts About Australia That No One Tells You

You’re visiting one of our favorite nations! Everyone who visits Australia plans to return. After years here, we’ve compiled a collection of surprises.

Snakes and spiders are unlikely in Australia


People often worry about spiders and snakes in Australia.

When I was in the UK, a buddy told me Brisbane had a killer bee invasion and that most people have bumblebees in their homes. Incorrect. In four years, I’ve seen ten snakes in your property. No deadly spiders, sharks, or Portuguese Man fights killed me. Interesting facts about Australia

Last spider-related death was in 1979.

This doesn’t imply you should swim in North Queensland locations with box jellyfish warning signs or hunt funnel web spiders, but you shouldn’t be afraid of them. Nope.

Safe wildlife is astonishingly close.


We recommend avoiding crocodiles and snakes. Many Australian animals don’t fear humans, which amazes me. People think kangaroos and koalas live in the centre of Sydney, however they don’t.

Kangaroos will look at you before diving in, koalas won’t budge, and migrating humpback whales will splash in front of the yacht’s calendar. We love this country’s wildlife.

Australia is huge


Australia’s ranches are bigger than Belgium’s. It’s a continent because it’s so huge; compare it to the U.S. or Canada. The train from Perth to Sydney took 4 days. Expect long train and bus rides. My work involves frequent domestic flights.

Perth is five hours from Sydney and closer to Indonesia than Australia’s east coast. Perth is the world’s most isolated city, 2,000 miles from Adelaide. You could drive for 9 hours and only move half an inch.

We normally spend our days off exploring a state capital city. If you select Melbourne, you may reach the Great Ocean Road, Grampians, and Wilson’s Prom within a few hours.

Australia is pricey and doesn’t get cheaper.


The prices will hurt. Australia’s high costs are unavoidable. Australia holds the record for longest travel without recession (decades). You can stretch your dollars, though.

Food and lodging are expensive, yet many of Australia’s best outdoor activities are free. You may enjoy the Daintree Rainforest, Uluru, Blue Mountains, and Tasmania for free. Only meals, lodging, and auto rental are extra. Camping can even be free if you enjoy it. Interesting facts about Australia

Better times to visit than summer


If you like humidity. Australia’s summer (December-February) can be humid. 8am in Sydney is 32°C and rainy. Last Saturday was 47 degrees in the shade (57 in the sun). Yes, 57 degrees Celsius), so choose your activity and then the season.

Summer is for those who like to spend their days between AC and the water. Seeing Uluru and the Great Barrier Reef may require a different time of year. Spring (September-November) and fall are optimum for most locations (February – May).

Winter is a good time to visit. Sydney has 20-25°C weather, beautiful skies, and reasonable costs. Expect warm water in Aussie Beach outside of northern Queensland.

A journey to Australia is amazing.

We’re good. Unforgettable ideal destination. In the same holiday, you can go from magnificent paradise beaches to deep red deserts to the oldest rainforest in the world.

This country inspires souls, and most visitors plan a return trip before leaving.

Slow, hard-to-find Wi-Fi.


Australia’s wifi ranks 50th in the world, behind Romania and Kenya. The deployment of NBN (National Broadband Network) has been debated, and if you have wi-fi, it’s exceedingly slow.

All mobile providers offer fast 4G, nevertheless. Many Australians use their phone’s data instead of wifi.

Bad food outside cities

Many places of Australia still serve 1980s-style meals. In the Northern Territory, pub fare is “something and chips.” It’s never good, whether camel or beef. Big city food is often great, especially the seafood.

World’s best coffee


Non-Australians were surprised. In Asia, Australians told me how great it was, but I didn’t believe them until I experienced it. Obsessed. Interesting facts about Australia

Find the greatest coffee shop wherever you go and enjoy this surprise. Australians love flat white. Yes, it’s huge (UK: just in small cups?).

If you visit one beach a day, it will take 10 years to see them all.

Australia offers several peaceful beaches. While Bondi may be on your list, don’t miss the chance to explore hundreds of kilometers of coastline.

Top 10 most prominent cities to visit in Australia

The 10 most underrated national parks in Australia

Top 10 unforgettable walks and adventures in Australia

Maris Lopez
Maris Lopezhttp:////
Hey there! I'm Maris, an American girl who is passionate about adventure, the outdoors and all things travel!


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