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HomeAnimalsThe 20 Best Dogs for Seniors: Old Man's Best Friend

The 20 Best Dogs for Seniors: Old Man’s Best Friend

We all know that a dog is man’s best friend. Eternally loving and loyal, there is nothing like returning home to your beloved pooch and receiving a hero’s welcome every time you walk through that door.

But we also know that dogs can be a big responsibility, especially with keeping them active and taking them out for regular walks. So, what about the older folks, who still want a canine companion but also a quiet life?

Read on to find out how to choose the perfect pooch for the seniors among us.

Good Dog: Shih Tzu
The Shih Tzu is one of the perfect choices for an older owner, because they are extremely relaxed and don’t need much exercise. An elderly human friend will be the perfect companion for snuggling up on the couch while drinking a nice glass of sherry.

They are incredibly loyal and friendly, and have a super easygoing personality. They are also super protective so will be the perfect pooch pal to stay by your side and look after you in your older years.

Good Dog: Bolognese Bichon
The Bolognese Bichon is another good option for a senior citizen, because they are also super easygoing and relaxed. They don’t mind spending long hours indoors and sitting around rather than going out on long, energetic walks.

What’s also great about these guys is that their coats are incredibly easy to maintain—they don’t shed very much, and they don’t need hours of regular and expensive grooming.

They also are really easy to train and respond super well to commands—so you can be sure they won’t cause any stress in your quiet and calm home.

Good Dog: Goldendoodle
This super cute creation is actually a cross breed from two already much-loved dogs—can you guess which breeds make up this babe?

That’s right—this is a Goldendoodle, a mix between a Golden Retriever and a Poodle!

Being made up of two such affectionate and friendly breeds, it’s no surprise that this hybrid is a super happy and loving canine companion.

They do need a bit of daily exercise, so they’d be perfect for a senior citizen who likes a quiet life, but still wants to get out and about every day.

Not the Best Choice: Dalmatian
Made ever popular and famous by the classic novel 101 Dalmatians and its movie adaptation of the same name, Dalmatians are a super loving and happy breed, but not necessarily the best option for an older owner.

Although they have a great temperament, they do have LOADS of energy and need a lot of exercise every day. And if they don’t get it, they can be kind of destructive indoors.

Definitely not a pooch for your chilled-out retirement years in a quiet, tidy home.

Good Dog: Beagle
The Beagle can be a great option for elderly owners, but only if they don’t mind a bit of noise. Though they are relatively chilled out, they can be quite loud and yappy.

Beagles need a fair bit of exercise, but nothing too strenuous—so they are a good choice for older people who want to be able to get out and about a bit, but not spend their whole day running around after their dog.

They are also really great around young children, so they’ll be a winning combination when your grandkids come to visit.

Good Dog: Pomeranian
Here is another great choice for senior citizens, the tiny yet mightily lovable Pomeranian. Though small in size, Pomeranians are incredibly big-hearted and will love their owners with utter devotion.

Because they are so small, they also do well in small spaces such as apartments or bungalows.

They do need to be groomed fairly regularly, but only with a light brushing, so nothing too onerous.

They also are naturally quite well behaved so you don’t need to worry about spending long hours training them.

Good Dog: Pug
For dog lovers of an advanced age, you might want to think about getting a pug for your canine companion.

Naturally relaxed and slow-tempered, pugs hardly need any exercise and are happy to spend their lives snuggled up on the couch with their owners—so they’re the perfect companions for senior citizens who need a lot of rest.

They also don’t need much grooming, and are generally very content with their surroundings—equally as happy in a large or small home—making them pretty low maintenance.

Not the Best Choice: Border Collie
The Border Collie is a loving and delightful dog breed, but they are probably not the best option for an older owner or couple looking for a quiet dog to spend their retirement days with.

They are incredibly energetic and full of beans, so they’ll firstly need a huge amount of exercise—and whether they get it or not, tend to bound around the house knocking things around and generally causing chaos.

Though we love these guys, they’re definitely suited to a younger and more energetic family, ideally with some equally hyper children.

Good Dog: Mixed Breeds
Though we are here talking about specific breeds and pedigrees, the truth is that many a perfect canine companion can come from a cross breed pup.

The reason for this is that mixed breeds are often found in dog shelters, meaning that not only are they in greater need of a home, but that the organizations will have already given them a great amount of training and observation.

So not only can you be sure they are fully trained, but you can have a professional assessment of whether their behavior and personality will be right for you.

Good Dog: Yorkshire Terrier
The Yorkshire Terrier is another brilliant choice as a canine companion for the elderly. Not only are they incredibly gentle and naturally kind, but they are perfectly happy living in small apartments or nursing homes—thanks to their small side and naturally content demeanor.

They don’t need a lot of exercise at all, and are perfectly happy to spend their days snuggling on your lap. They do need a bit of grooming, but only a light brushing—nothing too strenuous.

Good Dog: French Bulldog
French Bulldogs, as well as being incredibly cute and beautiful—look at that FACE!—are well known for being super friendly and loving. Their small size means that they are perfectly happy in compact spaces—so they’re great for retirement homes or modest apartments.

They also don’t need a huge amount of exercise, and are pretty content to spend most of their days indoors and chilling out with their beloved owners.

Add to that their almost nonexistent need for grooming, and you’ve got pretty much the lowest maintenance dog ever!

Not the Best Choice: Australian Shepherd
Now, don’t get us wrong—we love the Australian Shepherd. Huge, hairy, and handsome, these majestic hounds are truly magnificent—but they are simply not the best option for a senior citizen looking for a quiet life.

This beautiful breed is incredibly active and need A LOT of attention. You will basically be on demand pretty much all day, for love, affection, and strenuous exercise.

Better leave this one to the grandkids, and go for a much more chilled out breed.

Good Dog: Welsh Corgi Pembroke
The super cute Welsh Corgi Pembroke is obviously already associated with one extremely famous older person—the Queen of England!

And there’s no wonder that the merry monarch chooses these sweet little pups as her royal companion—they are incredibly friendly and easy going, and don’t require much space or grooming.

They are quite active though, so you should only get one if you’re keen to go out for at least a bit of exercise every day—and invest in some engaging dog toys to keep indoors.

Good Dog: Otterhound
You might have not heard of this breed before, but this beautiful and lesser-known pooch is one of the most suitable and perfect dogs for an older person or couple.

They do require exercise, but only a modest amount, and are perfectly happy with leisurely walks rather than lots of strenuous games.

They are also super loving and loyal, but also have plenty of natural intelligence and independence—so you’ll still get some quiet time with them in the house.

Good Dog: Poodle
If you’ve ever met a poodle, it will come as no surprise that they would get on brilliantly with an elderly owner—as they get on brilliantly with everyone!

Incredibly intelligent and naturally kind, they are extremely eager to please, and more than happy to adapt to all different kinds of space—so they’ll be right at home in a small apartment or assisted living center.

Also, they are an especially good choice for anyone with allergies, because they have hypoallergenic fur. Win win!

Not the Best Choice: Rottweiler
Even though we appreciate the beauty of this majestic hound, we don’t judge anyone who chooses to do so from a safe distance—as Rottweilers can be some of the scariest and often most aggressive dogs out there.

Of course, they can be a great asset when properly trained, but it’s a huge undertaking and probably not the best choice for an elderly owner looking for quiet life.

They also need a lot of space, so won’t fit in very well in a retirement home—not to mention scaring the other residents!

Good Dog: Lhasa Apso
Don’t ask us to pronounce its name, but this breed of dog is one of the best options out there for senior citizens looking for a canine companion.

The Lhasa Apso is a tiny little dog, and perfectly happy in small spaces such as rented apartments or assisted living facilities, and are super friendly and affectionate.

They are especially suited to the elderly because they are incredibly loving, but also perfectly happy spending a bit of time on their own—so available for hugs whenever you feel like.

Good Dog: Japanese Spaniel
This is a great option for the elderly population looking for a furry friend. The Japanese Spaniel isn’t just a super relaxed and easygoing breed, but they are also extremely quiet compared to other dog breeds—so they are ideal for a quiet life in retirement.

They do like a bit of exercise, but they are happy enough on their own—so you can just let them out into the yard for a runaround, before they head back for some chill time on your lap.

Good Dog: Italian Greyhound
We know the greyhound might not seem like the most obvious choice for a senior-friendly dog breed, but hear us out.

First of all, this is the Italian greyhound, which is distinctly more relaxed and therefore a lot more manageable than the regular variety.

Italian Greyhounds are naturally content dogs and always super friendly to everyone.

They don’t need a huge amount of exercise, and are also perfectly happy living in smaller spaces—perfect for a quiet life in a retirement home.

Not the Best Choice: Irish Setter
We love this dog, but there is no denying that they are pretty low down on the list of elderly-friendly potential pets.

The Irish Setter is super energetic, meaning they need loads of exercise—and at a pretty high effort level. They also hate being left alone for long periods of time, so you won’t get a moment to yourself.

They also require a lot of maintenance and a grueling training program to get their behavior in check—all of that, coupled with frequent health problems, means they’re not the easiest dog for a senior person to look after.

Maris Lopez
Maris Lopezhttp:////my-lifestyle.co
Hey there! I'm Maris, an American girl who is passionate about adventure, the outdoors and all things travel!


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