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How safe is the Netherlands? Tips on how to visit and live safely in the Netherlands

Looking for information about visiting or relocating to the Netherlands? If you’ve never traveled to the Netherlands, you might wonder, “despite the gorgeous tulips and windmills, in the Netherlands safe?”

Although no place is completely safe, the Netherlands is a pretty safe place to live. According to the World Safest Country Index 2021, the country is currently ranked as the 21st safest in the world.

Nonetheless, we will provide you with information about life in the Netherlands and how to stay safe in any situation.

How safe is it to visit the Netherlands as a tourist?


You are very safe as a visitor in the Netherlands. Of course, you should still be cautious when going out (don’t, for example, flaunt your belongings just because it’s regarded as safe). Pickpocketing should be your primary concern as a tourist, especially in Amsterdam.

Keep your valuables near you at all times and your bag close to your body. Keep in mind that pickpocketing is considered a medium danger, but if you take precautions, the risk is low.

What is the most unsafe city in the Netherlands?


Statistically, Amsterdam is the most dangerous city in the Netherlands, but this is to be anticipated given that it is the capital. Many of the issues that arise are related to stealing, pickpocketing, and drug-related criminality. Most of them are avoidable, but we shall iron these wrinkles out throughout the rest of the article.

Related: Top 10 Tips for First-Time Visitors to Amsterdam

The Netherlands’ d.r.u.g and s.e.x laws


Although prostitution is permitted in the Netherlands, it is also criminal. If you offer to go see a prostitute and she agrees, it’s OK.

Prostitution is permitted in Amsterdam’s Red Light District and across the city. The Red Light District is not dangerous, but as with any other place, it is safer to visit during the day. And the tourists! Pickpockets are active in the neighborhood.

If you are over 18, you can also buy cannabis from coffee shops throughout the Netherlands, and you should have no trouble carrying less than 5 grams of cannabis on you.

It’s crucial to understand that it’s not legal, but it’s also not illegal, so as long as you follow the guidelines, you’ll be good.

Related: What to Do and What Not to Do in Amsterdam’s Red Light District

Is it safe to travel to the Netherlands alone, especially as a woman?


Many people choose to travel alone, and women, in particular, are concerned about their safety. Yes, it is safe to travel alone in the Netherlands, and it is safe to travel as a woman.

Of course, you should still take usual precautions, such as not venturing out alone at night in lonely regions, and so on. Keep your wits about you, but it’s not any more dangerous than most other areas.

In the Netherlands, there is terror.

The topic of terrorism is always raised. It’s normal to be concerned about terrorist strikes in the Netherlands and across Europe.

Terrorism, on the other hand, is still uncommon; the more serious it is, the more probable you are to be killed in your automobile on your way to work. Because of this, don’t rule out relocating to the Netherlands (or Europe in general).

According to the National Coordinator for Security and Counter-Terrorism, the present terrorist danger to the Netherlands is “serious” (NCTV). This is a medium-risk situation.

The Netherlands has been devastated.


Because most of the Netherlands is below sea level, it can be deemed environmentally hazardous. The Netherlands is vulnerable to sea level rise as sea levels rise, and the Dutch are striving to ensure that the Netherlands is not left off.

Fortunately, they have one of the world’s top water control systems, including Delta Works, levees, and surge barriers. And things are looking up so far. It wouldn’t be a pleasant place if they weren’t that good. People used to die due to floods, but this is no longer the case. As a result, the real risk is currently modest.

Safe living in the Netherlands

You must nevertheless use caution in this location, as in many others. For example, remember to secure your house and car every time you leave. This is especially true if you’re gone for more than a day (the burglar alarm comes in helpful here, alerting a trusted neighbor to your absence). There should be no valuables on show.

We know the Dutch enjoy displaying their beautiful homes with open curtains, but displaying a lot of goods makes you more vulnerable to break-ins.

It’s not only that living here can be dangerous. Fires in your home can be hazardous due to characteristic Dutch architecture, causing harm not only to your goods but also to you! Install some basic fire safety equipment in your home (such as fire alarms, segregation devices, and blankets). Tip: You can get these for a low price at Action.

Maris Lopez
Maris Lopezhttp:////
Hey there! I'm Maris, an American girl who is passionate about adventure, the outdoors and all things travel!


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