Monday, October 21, 2024
Homescotland17 Funny things Scots do that the rest of the world doesn’t...

17 Funny things Scots do that the rest of the world doesn’t like

Scotland’s award-winning scenery and interesting legacy are two characteristics that make it a world-renowned tourist destination, but the country has much more to offer. It is stated that “people make Glasgow,” and it is also true that “people make Scotland,” since the country’s population contribute to its colorful culture with their unique eccentricities.

‘What are strange things that Scots do that the rest of the world doesn’t?’ we questioned our followers. and gathered a selection of their responses into this list. Continue reading to learn about 17 ‘strange things’ that people in Scotland do that the rest of the world does not.

1. ‘Clapping’ dogs (or any other pet)

'Clapping' dogs
‘Clapping’ dogs

In Scotland, “you can gie the dug a clap” simply means “you can give their dog a loving pat.” This is not to be confused with giving their dog a standing ovation, though they would certainly love it if you thought so highly of them.

2. Beginning every sentence with ‘Here’

Don’t ask us why, but saying this before starting any statement is customary in Scotland, for example, “Here, I was in Glasgow the other day and I saw your pal.”

3. Making Hogmanay more important than Christmas

hogmanay scotland festivals
hogmanay scotland festivals

Many people are unaware that there was a moment in Scottish history when Christmas was prohibited… For the past 400 years! Perhaps it is because of this that we are known to take Hogmanay more seriously than Christmas (or just because the celebrations are legendary!)

4. Sunbathing even in arctic temperatures

Scotland is “cursed” with variable weather (which tends to favor ‘dreich’ days over sunny ones), so you sure believe it’s “taps aff” for the day when we get a chance to soak in the Vitamin D. Whether it’s warm or not.

5. Having a legendary beast as our national animal

A Unicorn is to Scotland what an Eagle is to the United States of America or a Wolf is to Italy. The Unicorn was designated as Scotland’s national animal in the 15th century, and Unicorn statues may be found throughout the country.

6. We take our favorite carbonated beverage very seriously.

Irn Bru is Scotland’s favorite soft drink, and Scots frequently tell others how it has outsold Coca Cola in the country. We love Irn Bru so much that it has its own carnival, which is set to return this December.

7. Adding macaroni to pies

Macaroni Pies, a “distinctly Scottish” delicacy, are cheesy pastries famous for their macaroni noodle filling – a strange, yet wonderful, carb on carb feeling.

8. Calling a woman a “hen”

According to Highland Titles, referring to a lady as “hen” is a term of endearment, similar to dear or lover.

9. Going “out for our messages” when we’re hungry

Another peculiar characteristic of Scottish terminology is the phrase “going out for your messages” when going grocery shopping. It’s easy to think that the individual is referring to a trip to the post office, but it’s just an ordinary shopping excursion. That’s how the Scots roll.

10. deep-frying mars bars

“Do you know what this chunky chocolate caramel bar is missing?” “Add more fat to it!” This was most likely the thought process that led to the invention of the fried Mars Bar in Scotland. While it is undeniably bad for your health, it is considered delectable.

11. Creating square sausages

square sausages scotland
square sausages scotland

The square sausage, also known as the ‘Lorne’ sausage, is a traditional Scottish delicacy made of minced pork, rusk, and spices – and it is delectable.

12. Laughing at inappropriate things

Scotland is recognized for its sense of humour, so much so that some tourists may be perplexed or surprised by what we laugh at. Rest assured that our amusing ways are only a part of our welcoming culture.

13. Excessive use of measurement units

“How many tatties (potatoes) have you got in that basket?” “Hunners! (hundreds)” The Scots are notorious for having their own terminology to define measurement, and the phrase “hunners” is frequently used to denote “a lot.”

14. Ice cream trucks sell far more than ice cream.

Ice cream vans have a long history in Scotland, with opposing crime organizations employing ice cream van routes to sell illegal commodities during the famed ‘Glasgow ice cream wars’ in the 1980s. Nowadays, it’s not quite as intense, but the stock certainly goes beyond ice cream.

15. Consuming burnt rolls

The well-fired roll is a traditional breakfast item in Scotland, where it is baked at such high temperatures that the surface becomes charred. This way of heating the roll imparts a more robust flavor.

16. Using profanity to show affection

Words that may shock tourists to Scotland may bring tears of delight to those of us who live here. Why? It all boils down to our open society and love of comedy – a word intended to be offensive might easily be interpreted as a term of endearment here.

Maris Lopez
Maris Lopezhttp:////
Hey there! I'm Maris, an American girl who is passionate about adventure, the outdoors and all things travel!


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