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HomeDestinations10 tourist gems in the Netherlands that prove it's Europe's most valuable...

10 tourist gems in the Netherlands that prove it’s Europe’s most valuable country

The beautiful Netherlands is home to some amazing sights. Maybe it’s time to go Dutch on the next trip. When you visit Europe, the Netherlands will almost certainly be left out of the discourse. At most, the city of Amsterdam will be mentioned. Take at least one week to see everything Holland has to offer because it is a country with diverse landscapes, including flower gardens, Japanese-style parks, and even several beaches.

Giethoorn – the Netherlands is the jewel of Europe


Giethoorn, a greener and smaller Venice, is the enchanting village that has recently been trending on social media. Who would have guessed that this magical country might exist anywhere in the real world?

The city is located in the northern Netherlands and is best accessed by automobile. However, once there, board one of the many lovely boats and travel down the river, surrounded by colorful flowers, traditional Dutch architecture, and thick shrubs.

Field of Tulips


Spring in the Netherlands is unlike any other. If you plan a spring trip to Europe, make sure to include Holland, notably the Keukenhof flower garden, on your itinerary. Words cannot explain the magnificence of Keukenhof, comprised of rich purple-colored, powerfully perfumed lavender, and many other varieties of bright flowers.

It simply has to be seen and experienced to fully appreciate how tranquil and serene the country is, and how such laid-back people can produce such a masterpiece. It’s nothing short of amazing.



Delft is even less well-known than Utrecht, but it should be. It is the ideal little Dutch town to discover in one day, with historic buildings and Gothic architecture. There is an incredible sight everywhere you turn.

Delft ceramics, which come from right here, are well-known among antique collectors. Even if you aren’t particularly interested in art, a tour of the Delft Blue Factory is a must-do. You can purchase an actual ceramic piece or, at the very least, learn about this well-known decoration.

Amsterdam – the Netherlands is the jewel of Europe


Without question, Amsterdam is one of the most beautiful cities in the world, both to live in and to visit. Its laid-back lifestyle, watching people pass by while enjoying a coffee, schooner, or Dutch beer – isn’t that everyone’s dream?

So, how about a touch of the French capital? If you go to the museum district, you’ll be mistaken into thinking you’re still in Amsterdam. The city is full of intricate bridges that span the Amstel River, but the museum district exudes French authenticity. Again, a little detail, but one that distinguishes Holland from the rest of Europe.

Van Gogh inspired


A quiet attraction and the only one if you visit Eindhoven. Bikes, as we all know, are a prevalent method to go around Amsterdam and, indeed, the entire Netherlands, which distinguishes this Eindhoven attraction.

Bicycle tracks illuminate the night sky in the style of Vincent van Gogh’s The Starry Night. You’ll not only be able to see where you’re going but you’ll also be inspired!

Utrecht – the Netherlands is the jewel of Europe


The proximity of Utrecht to the lovely city of Amsterdam makes it so appealing. While it is not a secret attraction, it is one that many people neglect; please take the time to see it.

Utrecht, only a 20-minute train journey from Amsterdam, is a mix of a university town and a family-oriented town, with detailed architecture, deep canals, and an overall energetic vibe. It is also not so large that a taxi is required, but not so small that a tourist will become bored in two hours. Utrecht is just the right size for a day or two.

De Haar Castle

With its 135 acres, Kasteel de Haar looks like something out of a Disney Princess movie! Simply gorgeous Dutch 13th-century architecture complemented by lovely gardens. Both are in good condition, allowing visitors to appreciate one of the country’s most stunning hidden secrets. It truly is the epitome of the ideal castle.

If that isn’t enough to entice you, Coco Chanel, Roger Moore, and Joan Collins have all visited and stayed in one of the numerous sumptuous rooms.



Although it is not the first thing that comes to mind when visiting the Netherlands, the country has numerous beautiful beaches. Beaches such as Scheveningen, Texel, and Waddenzee are examples. They are all distinct and worth investigating.

You may see the world championships of fireworks on Scheveningen Beach or even walk between the mainland Netherlands and the Wadden Islands at low tide if you time it correctly!

Gardens of Zen – the Netherlands is the jewel of Europe

Enter one of the many Zen Japanese gardens that may be found around the Netherlands. Clingendael Park is a superb example, with tranquil beauty at every turn and a sense of peace as you travel around the garden.

You will forget you are in a different nation once you get lost (not literally) in one of these Japanese gardens.

Island of Pampus

We’ve all heard of Alcatraz in some way or another; Pampus Island is the Dutch equivalent. Pampus, a man-made island in the IJmeer lake, is not as extreme as Alcatraz.

Its original function was to act as a fortress capable of repelling invasions along the major shipping route; however, Pampus, like Alcatraz, is now open for tourism. Pampus can be hired out for occasions if you are brave enough!

Why is Utrecht the weirdest town in the Netherlands?

Maris Lopez
Maris Lopezhttp:////
Hey there! I'm Maris, an American girl who is passionate about adventure, the outdoors and all things travel!



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