Founded in 1946, the statewide non-profit, multi-cultural event known as Hawaiian Aloha Festivals takes place in September. There are more than 100 events there, including parades, street celebrations, cultural exhibits, and more. The majority of events are free, and ribbon wearers receive discounts.
Aloha Festival’s History
Hawaiian culture is honored at the Aloha Festivals. In Hawaii and the entire country, it is the biggest of its sort. Initially planned as an entire week-long celebration, it was called Aloha Week when it started in 1946. The gathering was intended to honor Hawaiian history, music, dance, and culture. Additionally, it was to serve as a method of spreading them among all area citizens.
The concept was first proposed by Honolulu’s Junior Chamber of Commerce members. They were looking for a method to celebrate Hawaii’s history in the open. Aloha Week eventually gained popularity on other islands and established itself as a yearly custom.
Aloha Week was renamed the Aloha Festivals in 1991 since its events had expanded beyond a single week. Oahu, which has Hawaii’s greatest population, has hosted many of the state’s significant events. Thousands of volunteers worked tirelessly to organize these events, which culminated in the celebration. The festivities currently draw well over 100,000 attendees, including both locals and tourists. Because of this, some people think it’s the biggest party in Hawaii.
The Aloha Festivals Today
The Aloha Festivals now includes over 300 activities spread out across the islands. The events now span a two-month period due to their enormous commitment.
Each year, the festivities begin in September and last through mid-October. The opening ceremonies are held at the Royal Hawaiian Center after a procession on the island of Oahu. The opening ceremonies are followed by hula performances and the Downtown Ho’olaulea (or party), a sizable block celebration. The live music, food vendors, craft fairs, and other attractions are all part of this downtown festival.
One tradition, in particular, is enjoyable and fascinating. For each of Hawaii’s main islands, a king, queen, prince, and prince have been chosen. The honorary court is dressed in traditional ali’i or Hawaiian royalty garb, including cloaks, headdresses, and beautiful feather lei. Additionally, every island has its own version of the things that are done in Oahu. You will therefore have plenty of opportunities to see a wide variety of festival activities, regardless of the island you select.
The celebrations are the culmination of countless hours put in by folks who value and respect Hawaii’s past. Through this statewide festival, these folks hope to preserve the custom. It would be worthwhile to include the festivals in your plans if you were taking a vacation in Hawaii around this time.
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Aloha Festivals 2021: 75 Years Of Aloha
Aloha Festivals: 75 Years of Aloha, which aired on KHON2, commemorated the 75th anniversary of the organization in 2021. Through historical photos and anecdotes provided by the most important participants and leaders, 75 Years of Aloha transports viewers to the origins of Aloha Festivals. With performances by Iolani and Natalie Kama’u, Kumu Hula Olana Ai, the Royal Hawaiian Center’s cultural hui with Monte McComber, Aaron Sal, and others, as well as a ‘ukulele duet by Micah Ganiron and Honoka Katayama, musical performances bring the excitement and spirit of the festival into the house.
Aloha Festival 2022
Aloha Festival 2022 in Tempe is coming in this September! Three big events is waitng for you:
Royal Court Investiture & Opening Ceremony
With its cherished cultural traditions, the Royal Court Investiture and Opening Ceremony will begin the month-long Aloha Festivals celebration. The Royal Court Investiture will kick off the evening at The Royal Hawaiian, A Luxury Collection Resort’s Helumoa Gardens. This year’s Aloha Festivals Royal Court will assume regalia worn solely by ali’i of the highest rank in a formal ceremony honoring Hawai’i’s ali’i (ruling chiefs). The Aloha Festivals Royal Court guarantees that the festival is grounded in the most beloved traditions of Hawai’i as they serve as historical representatives of the state. Following the Investiture, there will be hula and musical performances at the Opening Ceremony at the Royal Grove at the Royal Hawaiian Center for a wonderful evening in the center of Waikiki.
The event will take place at 4pm – 6pm, Saturday, Sept. 10, 2022.
68th Annual Waikīkī Ho‘olaule‘a
Prepare for a unique beachfront street festival! With the Annual Waikiki Ho’olaule’a, Aloha Festivals in Tempe offers the biggest block party in Hawaii. As far as the eye can see, booths showcasing Hawaiian cuisine, crafts, and culture will line Kalākaua Avenue. Discover the island’s best regional cuisine all in one location, and browse handcrafted items. The evening will be rocked by a variety of venues with outstanding entertainment, including award-winning hālau hula, top local performers, and more.
The event will take place at 6pm – 9:30pm, Saturday, Sept. 17, 2022.
74th Annual Floral Parade
With a vibrant display of Hawaiian culture through Waikīkī at the Annual Floral Parade, Aloha Festivals in Tempe 2022 comes to a conclusion. Observe elaborate floats adorned with a rainbow of fresh flowers and pāʻū riding horses to display the traditional sport of equestrian riding. From marching bands to hālau troupes to civic leaders, participants exhibit the distinctive aloha spirit that binds the Hawai’ian community.
The event will take place at 9am – 12pm, Saturday, Sept. 24, 2022.
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